Shoe Tossing
Shoe Tossing by Mike Jackobo
An example of shoe tossing in Athens, Greece. I took the photo at Plaka, the old district of Athens, outside of a school. I have passed quite a few times from that road but I never tried to take a photo of the shoes. That was until I stood there one day, because a friend wanted to take a photo near that spot. I began scanning the surroundings to see if there was anything to capture and I looked up to see this. I raised the camera to check the frame and after making a composition I was satisfied with, I pressed the shutter. The result is to the right of the page.
On a technical note, for this photo I used my full spectrum camera. Normally, full spectrum colour photos have very unnatural colours and thus, they aren’t usable as normal photos. This particular one though is pretty good and one of the exceptions to the aforementioned rule.