Descent into a Sea of Mystery
Descent into a Sea of Mystery
A ladder that leads to the sea. A hazy day. An invitation to descent into a sea of mystery. Where does the first step lead to? The delight of Paradise or the torture of Hell? Maybe Oblivion and endless wandering in limbo?
What if the steps lead to a different dimension? A parallel universe where everything wrong was done right. The joy and fulfilment experienced in that world would be overwhelming. Almost too good to be true. And what if all was a lie? A sirens song to lure a weary soul into a world of endless torture and dread?
Maybe the end will be Emptiness. Neither delight nor torture. Just a soul alone, forever. Loneliness though is a destination. The end of a journey and a place to recollect all the experiences along the way. What if there is no end, no destination? An endless journey which leads nowhere? The journey is more important than the destination. Still, this quote by Buddha implies that there is an end -either we understand it or not. But there may be no destination. Just endless wandering into nothingness, struggling to find a place to cling onto but nothing being there. That may be a worse outcome.
Is there a way to get back to the world? Sometimes, the calling of the unknown is too strong to resist. But one more step and the unknown becomes familiar. Then the urge to return maybe stronger than the temptation to move deeper in the Arcane Mysteries. The common folk will return to the safety of their petty existence. Few will acknowledge the risk and still dare to move further ahead. Few are those who will make the change for everyone.